Photometric Derivation of Analytical Parameters for Large Area Forest Management
Problem Addressed: Spruce budworm infestation in northeastern Canada and the United States
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Derive photometric parameters from historical satellite (Landsat) data toward an ultimate objective of aiding large area forest managers to cope with the massive spruce budworm infestation in northeastern Canada and the United States.
Key Findings: Use of satellite data (Landsat MSS) to measure and predict mortality as well as other analytical parameters related to coniferous forest management appears technically feasible.
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- Walker, John E.
Calspan Corporation
This report discusses an analysis of satellite (Landsat) imagery and computer compatible tape data relative to coniferous forests of Maine under infestation by the Spruce Budworm. Mortality assessment and prediction using satellite data is emphasized and a method hypothesized.
Other results related to climatological effects upon satellite data in northern latitudes and an apparently unique effects of the evapo-transpiration process of coniferous stands on recorded radiance in the 1.1 nanometer band are also discussed.
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