Cultural Practices and Forest Insects (1934)Views: 897Downloads: 0[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Getting off the treadmill: Some public concerns about our spruce budworm program (1978)Views: 1067Downloads: 0[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Animal damage to young spruce and fir in MaineViews: 1172Downloads: 1[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Forest insect survey instructions to wardens (1943)Views: 1112Downloads: 1[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Forest Insects in New EnglandViews: 1136Downloads: 0[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
EPA performance for 1980 spruce budworm control program (draft comments)Views: 1057Downloads: 0[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Letter re EPA performance standardsViews: 1197Downloads: 0[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
EPA performance standards for 1980 spruce budworm control programViews: 1040Downloads: 1[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
Predators of the spruce budwormViews: 1160Downloads: 1[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>
A method of rapid forest survey for mapping vulnerability to spruce budworm damageViews: 999Downloads: 0[mrp_rating_result no_rating_results_text="No ratings yet" before_count="(" after_count=" ratings)"]Download Document >>