Northeastern Forest Research Advisory Council Field Trip, Massabesic Experimental Forest (1958)
- McConkey, T.W.
This is your trip: it will be conducted as you wish. There is not fixed schedule to follow, so we well spend as much time as you like at each stop. The trip ends when time runs out.
Primarily, we intend to show typical examples of the work in rehabilitation of forest land with particular emphasis on chemical control of hardwoods. Some of the problems connected with the treatment of young softwood stands will also be shown.
Hardwood control is also part of the management of established stands. This trip has been planned to show results of some of this work, too--particularly how pine reproduction responds to overstory thinnings when combined with control of the hardwood understory.
Probably more stops are listed than can be made. If we run short of time, stop 4--a thinned and pruned 1948 plantation--will be omitted. Stop 6 may also be dropped for lack of time. Information relating t these two stops is included here because it helps complete the picture of our approach to the problems of re-establishing white pine and managing the stands.
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