New England and Northern New York Forest Ecosystem Vulnerability Assessment and Synthesis: A Report from the New England Climate Change Response Framework Project
- Janowiak, M. K.
USFS Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science - D'Amato, A. W.
UVM Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources - Swanston, C. W.
USFS Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science - Iverson, L.
USFS NRS - Thompson, F. R.
USFS NRS - Duak, W.D.
USFS NRS - Matthews, S.
Ohio State University - Peters, M. P.
USFS NRS - Prasad, A.
USFS NRS - Fraser, J. S.
Dept of Forestry, Univ of Missouri-Columbia - Brandt, L. A.
USFS Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science - Butler-Leopold, P.
Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, Michigan Technological University - Handler, S. D.
USFS Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science - Shannon, P. D.
USFS Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science - Burbank, D.
USFS Green Mountain National Forest - Campbell, J.
USFS NRS - Cogbill, C.
Independent Scientist - Duveneck, M. J.
Harvard Forest - Emery, M. R.
USFS NRS - Fisichelli, N.
Schoodic Insitute at Acadia National Park - Foster, J.
UVM Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources - Hushaw, J.
Manomet - Kenefic, L.
USFS NRS - Mahaffey, A.
Forest Stewards Guild - Morelli, T. L.
US Geological Survey - Reo, N. J.
Dartmouth College - Schaberg, P. G.
USFS NRS - Simmons, K. R.
USFS White Mountain National Forest - Weiskittel, A.
UMaine School of Forest Resources - Wilmot, S.
VT Agency of Natural Resources - Hollinger, D.
USFS NRS - Lane, E.
USFS NRS - Rustad, L.
USFS NRS - Templer, P. H.
Boston University
This assessment is a fundamental component of the New England Climate Change Response framework project. The Framework is a collaborative, cross boundary approach among scientists, managers, and landowners to incorporate climate change considerations into natural resource management. Six Framework projects are currently underway, covering about 250 million acres in the U.S. Midwest and Northeast: Northwoods, Central Appalachians, Central Hardwoods, Mid-Atlantic, New England, and Urban. Each regional project interweaves four components: science and management partnerships, vulnerability assessments, adaptation resources, and demonstration projects.
We designed this assessment to be a synthesis of the best available scientific information on climate change and forest ecosystems. Its primary goal is to inform forest managers and natural resource professionals in New England and northern New York, in addition to other people who study, recreate, and live in these forests. As new scientific information arises, we may develop future versions to reflect that accumulated knowledge and understanding. Most importantly, this assessment does not make recommendations about how this information should be used.V/e designed this assessment to be a synthesis of the best available scientific information on climate change and forest ecosystems. Its primary goal is to inform forest managers and natural resource professionals in New England and northern New York, in addition to other people who study, recreate, and live in these forests. As new scientific information arises, we may develop future versions to reflect that accumulated knowledge and understanding. Most importantly, this assessment does not make recommendations about how this information should be used.
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