Matacil: A Summary of Literature on Environmental Hazard, Human Health Hazard, and Efficacy in Spruce Budworm Control (1979)
Problem Addressed: The insecticide Matacil
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Summarize the available knowledge and provide a complete bibliography on Matacil.
Key Findings: Discusses the biological performance and environmental impact of Matacil although some attention will first be given to its chemistry and methods of analysis.
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- Leonard, Sarah H.
University of Maine
Matacil ® is the trade name for aminocarb, a carbamate insecticide. Matacil was developed by Bayer, A.G> Leverkusen, West Germany, and was first identified as "Bay (or Bayer) 44646". It has been researched and manufactured in the United States since 1963 by the Mobay Chemical Corporation in Kansas City, Missouri. Matacil is registered in Canada for spruce budworm control since 1973 at restricted dosage rates of 0.75-1.25 oz/acre. Matacil may be used only on an experimental basis in forests in the United States under the supervision of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service.
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