Ecological Relationship Among Partial Harvesting Vegetation Snowshoe Hares and Canada Lynx in Maine
Date Published: 2006
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- Robinson, Laura
University of Maine Graduate School
Understanding the ecological factors affecting habitat use by the Canada lynx, (Lynx canadensis) and it's primary prey, the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus), could help formulate conservation strategies for this carnivore, which is federally listed as threatened and occurs in only 4 regions of the U.S.A. I measured vegetation characteristics and snowshoe hare densities in 15 regenerating conifer clearcuts and 21 partially harvested stands in northern Maine during the leaf-off seasons, 2005 and 2006; and the leaf-on season, 2005. Regenerating clearcut stands had been harvested between 1974 and 1985 and were subsequently treated with an aerial application of herbicide.
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