CFRU Research Note 13: Phototactic Responses of the White Pine Weevil to Ultraviolet Light
Date Published: 1983
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- Droska, Jon S.
College of Forest Resources, University of Maine, Orono - Knight, Fred B.
College of Forest Resources, University of Maine, Orono - Houseweart, Mark W.
Cooperative Forestry Research Unit
The white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi (Feck), has been the focus of much research in Maine, ranging from biology (Otrks 1964) to life tables (Dixon and Houseweart 1982). Young white pines, pinus strobus L., growing under shaded conditions are less vulnerable to attack by the white pine weevil than trees in open areas (Graham 1926). However, the under lying mechanisms are not fully understood.
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