Budworm Woodlot Management Program
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Explain the role of the Budworm Woodlot Management Program
Key Findings: Identify and map through interpretation of color infra red photography all spruce-fir forest types and budworm caused damage and mortality within these areas on a town-by-town basis wherever budworm damage and small ownerships exist within the Spruce-Fir Protection District of Maine.
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- Budworm Woodlot Management Program
The Budworm Woodlot Management Program is providing various forms of assistance to small landowners with actual or potential spruce budworm problems throughout the Spruce-Fir Protection District of Maine. The program began in August 1978 as a trial effort to find the best means of identifying the specific problems and is now providing services to the extent that current funds and personnel will permit. Funding is being provided on a temporary basis by State of Maine Budworm excise tax monies.
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