Baxter State Park Spruce Budworm Protection Recommendation 1981
Problem Addressed: Spruce budworm in Baxter State Park
Goal(s)/Objective(s): To manage the SFMA using the most approved practices of scientific forestry in accordance with Percival Proctor Baxter's deeds of gifts and conveyances and to provide multiple-use management so as to harmoniously coordinate the primary use, timber management, with other uses for which the area can be managed.
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- Baxter State Park Authority
State of Maine
Of the 27,761 acres of the Baxter State Park Scientific Forest Management Area, over 19,000 acres are classified as types which are potentially vulnerable to the spruce budworm epidemic. These areas have been treated in the past to protect against the budworm to maintain the trees in a viable condition until a management program could be implemented. All or portions of the area were treated annually from 1973 to 1976. In 1979, the last year these stands were protected, reduced the acreage requiring protection to approximately 12,000 acres.
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