All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) for Forestry Work (1987)
Problem Addressed: The use of ATV's for forestry work
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- Dunnigan, J.
Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada - Beaulieu, L
Centre regional d'expertise en foresterie (CREF) - Folkema, M.P.
Woodlot Technology
The popularity of all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) in Canada is a recent phenomenon. The first ATVs were basically tricycles equipped with balloon tires. Their low-pressure, oversize tires allowed them to run on soft and irregular terrain. This report concerns the forestry use of ATVs. Because of the stability and traction required in forestry, the four-wheel units (especially with four-wheel-drive) are more appropriate than the three wheel ones. For this reason, only four-wheel ATVs are discussed in this report.
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