Aerial Foliage Protection Program Nova Scotia, 1986
- Smoth, T.D.
Nova Scotia Lands and Forests - Georgeson, E.
Nova Scotia Lands and Forests
In 1986 the spruce budworm continued to be the foremost insect pest in Nova Scotia. Epidemic numbers persisted in stands of spruce and fir in the norther counties of Nova Scotia. Stands supporting moderate or higher numbers of larvae were expected to experience noticeable defoliation this year. This year's expanded program reflects both the concentrated infestation along the northern Mainland and the desire of 2200 individuals to maintain healthy tree.
The primary objectives of the aerial foliage protection program is to protect foliage from being eaten and/or killed by spruce budworm larvae. A second objective of the program is to protect cone bearing trees in designated cone production areas in Cape Breton Island.
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