Effect of Stand Density on Behavior of Leaf Area Prediction Models for Eastern White Pine (Pinus Strobus L.) in Maine
- Pace, Micah D.
University of Maine Graduate School
There is little debate within the forest science community that leaf area (LA, the surface area of live foliage) or leaf area index (LAI, the total surface area of live foliage per unit of ground area) are important variables, central to enhancing the understanding of forest growth and many forest ecosystem processes. The ability to accurately measure LAI has become a research priority and has resulted in various methods of estimation for a variety of species and regions. In this study LA estimation models for Pinus strobus L. were developed, tested, and compared across a wide range of densities for both thinned and unthinned stands in the Penobscot River Valley of central Maine. Test plots were located within a 52-year-old plantation.
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