The Effects of Spraying Sewage Effluent on Forested Land at Sugarloaf Mountain
- David, Mark Barnett
University of Maine Graduate School
Research was conducted to investigate the effects of spraying sewage effluent on hardwood forested land at Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine. Soil, organic matter, tree foliage, groundwater, effluent, and stream water samples were taken from the spray area in 1978 and 1979. Soil samples were taken at two depths , 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm. The entire organic pad was removed as a single sample, with no separation of the O, and O, layers. Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) foliage was sampled periodically for nutrient levels and increment borings were taken to determine diameter growth. Vegetative plot sampling was conducted for all tree seedlings and herbaceous growth in the area. Groundwater sampling was accomplished by the use of 28 suction lysimeters placed at depths of 50 and 64 cm.
Conclusion summary: spray irrigation of sewage effluent has had many effects on the organic matter and soils of a hardwood forested area.
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