Studies on Dipterous Parasites of the Spruce Budworm, II. Phryxe Pecosensis (Tns) (Diptera: Tachinidae)
Date Published: 08/1953
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- Maw, M.G.
Div of Entomology, Dept of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada - Coppel, H.C.
Laboratory of Entomology, Belleville, Ontario
Phryxe peconsensis (Tns) is a native parasite attacking several species of lepidopterous larvae. It has been reared consistently from collections of the spruce budworm made in British Columbia. The time required from egg deposition to the beginning of the formation of the puparium was 7 to 11 days, the female taking the longer period. The puparium was usually completed within a 24-hr period and the adults emerged 9 to 11 days later. The life history and habits of the insect are described and the salient characters of the immature stages and the internal stages and the internal reproductive systems of the adults are illustrated and described.
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