Spruce Budworm on Passamaquoddy Indian Tribal Lands, Maine Biological Evaluation Report (1984)
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Evaluate the spruce budworm situation and provide technical assistance in the planning and conduct of suppression projects for the Passamaquoddy Tribe
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- Millers, Imants
USDA Forest Service
Forest Pest Management recommends aerial application of Bt at 12 BIU's per acre to protect spruce on 14,000 acres on the Indian Township and 8,500 acres of spruce and fir in the Lowelltown Area - a total of 22,500 acres - in 1984. The poor stand conditions and moderate to high spruce budworm populations will result in spruce mortality unless foliage is protected. Salvage of dead and dying balsam fir is recommended where feasible. Forest Pest Management also recommends that the Passamaquoddy Indian Forestry Department adopt a long range forest management plan that includes silvicultural options to reduce future budworm caused losses.
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