Movement of Applied Nutrients Through Plaisted and Howland Soils Under Mixed wood Forest Cover Types
- Filauro, Anthony
University of Maine Graduate School
This investigation was concerned with the movement of applied nutrients through the profile of Plaisted loam and a Howland clay loam, both under a mixed wood forest cover type. Two suitable areas were located and the experimental sites were prepared by establishing nine one-fortieth acre plots each site. The species of the trees were recorded, the basal area determined and the appropriate number of trees were cut so the plots would conform to an average basal area of 90.0+ 4.0 square feet per acre. In June 1971, the experimental plots were fertilized with a complete fertilizer at rates of 0, 100, and 200 pounds per acre (0, 112.08, and 224.16kg/ha.) respectively. After one growing season a soil pit was excavated on each plot, the profile description was recorded and soil samples were taken for laboratory analysis. Each soil horizon was analyzed for total nitrogen, available phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, cation exchange capacity, pH, and percent organic matter. The results indicated no significant difference in the movement of nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium down through the profile regardless of the amount of fertilizer applied.
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