Getting off the Treadmill: Some Public Concerns About Our Spruce Budworm Program
Problem Addressed: Spruce budworm
Goal(s)/Objective(s): Describe the position and what to do about the issues of the state's responsibility in controlling budworm damage to privately owned forest lands, whether we are on an endless treadmill of spraying, what is being done to the environment and public health in the long term
Key Findings: Spraying of the private sector will end by 1981, will begin promotion of the development of a forest less susceptible to budworm, and will cease using any insecticide that poses distinct dangers to fish or any other nontarget animal or plant.
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- Walker, John S.
Maine Forest Service
Recent growth in Maine's wood-using industries has put us in a position for the first time in this century to consume most of the forest's annual growth in our mills. This allows foresters for the first time to manage the whole of Maine's forests.
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