Fibril Angle of Loblolly Pine Wood as Related to Specific Gravity, Growth Rate, and Distance from Pith
- McMillin, Charles W.
Southern Forest Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Alexandria, La.
Fibril angles were greater for earlywood (avg. 33.4o) than for latewood tracheids (avg 26.9o). For earlywood fibril angle did not differ between growth rates when the specific gravity was low (avg 33.3o). When the specific gravity was high, wood of fast growth has a higher fibril angle (avg 35.1o) than wood of slow growth (avg 32.0o). No differences were detected between core, middle, and outer wood. In latewood tracheids, fibril angles were greater in corewood (avg 28.0o) than in middle or outer woods (avg 26.3o). For whole wood (a weighted average of earlywood and latewood), fibril angle averaged avg 30.7o and was greater in corewood (avg 32.2o) than in middle or outer wood (avg 29.9o).
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