Long-term spatial and structural dynamics in Acadian mixedwood stands managed under various silvicultural systems
Problem Addressed: Differences in spatial pattern, species mingling, height differentiation, and relative stand complexity index (rSCI).
Goal(s)/Objective(s): To determine differences in spatial pattern, species mingling, height differentiation, and relative stand complexity index (rSCI) due to five treatments: commercial clear-cutting, fixed diameter-limit, 5 year single-tree selection, three-stage shelterwood (both with and without precommercial thinning), and unharvested natural areas.
Key Findings: Precommercial thinning in a shelterwood treated stand generally increased species mingling, height differentiation, and rSCI. Two untreated natural areas exhibited divergent pathways of structural development. Dynamics in uneven-aged selection treatments more closely resembled that of the untreated natural areas than did the shelterwood, commercial clearcut, or fixed diameter-limit treatments.
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